
“I've asked my team to test a full week working from home next week, not waiting until we have to....”

As a leader, my overarching duty is one of care for the wellbeing of my team whilst delivering the outcomes for the business.

That's why I'm sending my team home next week.

Believe what you will about the corona virus and believe what you will about its level of contagion, it's clear to me that at some point most organisations will be required to, or volunteer to, ask their teams to work from home for a period of time.

I'm guessing many workplaces are not prepared. I feel we are in ok shape but I want to iron out any glitches before we have no choice. So here is a set of things we are doing to help us test it out…”

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“What we’ve learned from working at home…”

Well our team has come to the end of our week working from home test run and the results are in. We asked the Spark Strategy team three questions :

1.    What Worked?

2.    What should we consider if this becomes long term or indefinite?

3.    What Lessons have we learned?

I’ve also learned somethings as a leader, some I suspected and some that I really wasn’t thinking about .

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