“Before we play in the sandpit of strategic planning, we need a way to both help new leaders quickly build this muscle mass, and keep more experienced leaders toned up.”

- George Liacos

We are told that our universe started with the Big Bang and has been expanding in the shape of a rugby football ever since.

We are told that if we travel far enough in a straight line out into this football-shaped universe, in any given direction, that we will eventually end up back at our starting point.
So we can’t escape the football . . .
But outside the football, what is our football uni- verse expanding into?
. . . and what’s outside that? . . . and how do we get there?

Evil Kala: We’re going to empty your memory as we might empty your pockets, Doctor.

Dr Hans Zarkov: Don’t empty my mind! Please, I beg you! My mind is all I have! I’ve spent my whole life trying to fill it!

Flash Gordon, 1980

Let’s fill up minds!


“In a world where bold thinking shapes our des- tiny, Spark Change: 25 Tools for Strategic Thinking in For-Purpose Organisations stands out as an indispens- able guide. George’s insights transcend the ordinary, urging us to elevate our decision-making process. After all, it’s these decisions that separate the merely good from the truly great.

As a purpose-led executive, I found George’s book to be a compass in uncharted waters. It not only challenged my biases but also provided practi- cal strategies to navigate the complex landscape of organisational challenges and opportunities. From boardrooms to everyday choices, Spark Change empowers us to think beyond the obvious, igniting a transformative journey.

If you’re ready to embrace bigger ideas and drive meaningful change, this book is your compass. Let it spark the fire within you.”

Greg Muller, Chair & Co-Founder, The United Project Foundation

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‘Spark Change’ By George Liacos

In writing this book, I've taken quite a journey from my initial exploration into leadership and culture during strategic implementation in the social sector. This topic, though rich in content, remained challenging to discuss in an engaging way, leading me to delve deeper into the foundational issues facing leaders today. As a result, my focus shifted towards strategic thinking, a more direct approach to tackling the challenges in this field.

In this book, I introduce the Spark Navigator and an abundance of lists to serve as quick reference tools that guide you through the complex world of strategic thinking efficiently. My editor, Carolyn Jackson, played a crucial role in refining the Spark Navigator, helping make the content more accessible and actionable.

The content is largely drawn from our confidential work at Spark Strategy, creatively shared through sci-fi stories and altered case studies to maintain confidentiality while providing real-world relevance. Additionally, I discuss the use of artificial intelligence in our processes, from generating unique content to enhancing research and organising thoughts, which has proven invaluable in overcoming creative hurdles and enriching our strategic output.

With this book, I aim to equip you with the tools and insights needed to navigate and excel in the demanding landscape of the social sector, fostering a culture of more effective and transformative change.

Join our Strategic Thinking movement over at sparkstrategy.com.au!